2024 Internal Audit Conducted Successfully, Boosting Company's Quality Management


To verify the effective operation of the company's management system, from April 25th to 26th, 2024, an internal audit of the system was carried out based on quality, environment, occupational health, and safety system standards. The deputy general manager in charge of administration assumed the role of the audit team leader. The deputy general manager of the Production and Technology Department, the sales director, the financial director, the manager of the Quality Management Department, and the director of the Economic Management Department participated in the internal audit as lead auditors. The Quality Department, Production Department, and Warehousing Department were the main departments subject to audit supervision.

Prior to the commencement of this internal audit, the heads of each department underwent training on audit standards and methods. This training was aimed at ensuring that the audit process fully complied with the requirements stipulated in the relevant documents. During the audit, the auditors carefully examined various aspects, including the implementation of daily operations, the execution of procedures, and the compliance of records.

Through this in - depth internal audit, the audit team reached a consensus that the company's system operation was in line with the standard requirements. The 19 established procedures, along with the operating instructions and the internal management system documents, were all found to be in accordance with the company's operational needs. These documents effectively guided the daily work and decision - making processes within the company.

In the subsequent stage, the Quality Management Department will summarize the issues identified during this audit. It will then require the relevant departments to complete the rectification within the specified time frame. By conducting internal audits, the company can identify potential problems in the quality management system, and continuously make improvements. This effort will promote the standardization, proceduralization, standard - setting, and systematization of each work process, thereby further enhancing the company's overall quality management level.

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